Parking Krakowska

Parking Willa Krakowska + Hotel

Parking at the Warsaw Chopin airport

Parking Krakowska located on Aleja Krakowska 45, close to the Chopin Airport in Warsaw (approx. 8 km, which is 12 minutes by car). The facility offers 18 parking spaces, is open 24 hours a day, is lit, insured and fenced. Each customer's car is treated with exceptional care. The paved surface distinguishes this facility from the competition. A unique benefit is the possibility of using accommodation services in the adjacent Apartamenty Willa Krakowska hotel, where guests can count on comfortable rest, a guarantee of privacy, and a homely and intimate atmosphere. According to your request, we can arrange transfer directly to the airport. Are you going on holiday? Are you planning a business trip? Park your car in our parking lot!


  • Valet
  • Insured
  • Fenced
  • Illuminated
  • Payment by card
  • 24/7 service
  • 7.00 km from the airport
  • No shuttle bus
  • Issue a VAT invoice


Miejsce w którym zaparkujesz
Aleja Krakowska 45, 05-090 Raszyn
Współrzędne GPS
52.1563128, 20.9164679
map blur


Cena za 1 dzień przy postoju na 8 days
Do You need help?
Check answers to any questions
or call us (+48) 222 662 439
NextPark is a guarantee of security.
Find out, why we are the best!
  • Instant confirmation
  • Fast transfer
  • Additional services
  • Parking ticket in SMS
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